Saturday, July 31, 2010

woe is me

I want to sing using the piano,
when I'm sad, I want to make a song,
although my voice is not so good, I wanted to sing at night
when everyone is asleep,
only star who heard my sadness and my happiness.

What's wrong with my tongue?I stutter, I stumble like I've got nothing to say,"I'm feeling nervous"

I want a fairy come to my place.
so that she grants a wish ..
and I can be free from all these problems,
and can sing again ..

Friday, July 30, 2010


B : bagaimana anda bisa mengerti jika anda tidak pernah mau mengerti
A : saya mau mengerti mangkanya saya mengatakan bahwa saya tidak mengerti
B : saya putus asa
A : Lupakan saja perempuan itu
B : Tak bisa terlupakan
A : bagaimana bisa kalo nggak berusaha mendapatkan yang baru dan melupakan yang lama.
B : Kan udah dpt yang baru .Tp tetep g bsa ganti yang lama
A : Semua orang itu berbeda dan gak akan pernah bisa menggantikan. Jadi jangan mencari yang dapat menggantikan krn pasti tdk akan menemukan
B : bagaimanapun juga sudah berkali kali mencoba berbagai macam jenis. harus berapa lagi yang harus dirusak karena tidak sesuai dengan yang diinginkan
A : Krn sbnrnya lo masih menutup hati lo. Gak coba berubah dan membuka mata lo.
B : caranya?
A : beda orang, beda cara
B : mungkin ada cara yang efektif
A : cara yang paling efektif itu adalah inisiatif dari diri sendiri

like talking to myself.

you make me wanna lalala x)

I'm not going to close my eyes, hearts and ears.
I must not further decline
because when I woke up, I realize there are people who care about me.
I want to hear him talk about us,
I want to see when he looks into my eyes,
and want to love him,
who has been wanting me feel ..
I hope love can find me :)

the purpose of everything God has created.

what the functions of his eyes, if not to see
what the function of his hands, if not to do good things
what the functions of his brain, if not to think
what the function of his heart if not to love someone
it means god created people to love
what the function of the ear, if not to hear
what the function of the nose, if not to smell
what the function of the foot, if not for walking
It all is a gift from god
"you walk, with gasping breath, you see someone, and then you hear your heartbeat and your brain thinks that you're in love."
god give our destiny to live and not to our regret.
so if you're in love, it means god gave you a gift.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


aku mencari perhatianmu dengan cara yang berbeda..
pertama tidak melihatmu sama sekali
kedua membuang muka
ketiga membencimu
dan yang keempat menjauhimu.
dan empat caraku yang berbeda untuk meperhatikanmu,
pertama menjauh dari kerumunan orang banyak dan menatapmu dari kejauhan
kedua mendengarkan ocehanmu ketika aku tertidur di dekatmu
ketiga mengacuhkanmu saat kau mengajakku berbicara
dan yang terakhir menatapmu dengan tatapan sinis.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


hey arthur, would you see me!
have you ever realized I was always there near you?
I always try to look for your attention with a different
not by giving you a gift or take you to a movie.
every day we met, I always turn my face
did you ever notice me ...?
or the wrong way?
or am I too bad?
although I am ugly, please look at me .. though only for a moment.


Looking backward is the most painful thing for me,
memories memories that stood in place,
remember a time when ever happy in those days.
This fate is very painful for me.
too difficult to accept, but I had to leave.
I had to leave all this
before I fell into a deeper hole, getting dropped, and could not get out.
despite everything I don't mean anything,
I had to get out of this black hole ..
I should be happy ..
I have to be tough, and will not cry for something that has hurt me.

I love you in many ways

I love you in many ways
how I see you,
how I care about you,
the way I looked at your eyes,
I love you in many ways from distant places, which could not be reached.
I love you with many obstacles, and tears.
I love you with sincerity.
I love you in many ways.
I hate you with love.
and I want to leave you, because my love is too big.
I undestood why I had loved you so much before :)

Monday, July 26, 2010


I don’t know when
I don’t how
But I know something’s starting right now
Watch and you’ll see
Someday I’ll be
Part of your world!


Memories mar my mind
Love is a faith resign
love is pain
love is a losing game.

if I knew what I should do, I'll do it!
I want to do anything to get away from you..

you could be happy :)

i love this animation, simple things :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

tikaaa happy birthdaay

tikaaa happy birthday ke 19 :3
semoga apa yang diharapi tercapai :)
i love you :)
banyak sekali yang ingin saya ceritakaaaaaaan!!

black or white?

everyone just thought that I was lucky and someone who has everything. but they don't know what expenses I have. they just sneer and stay away from me ..
I'm only human. I have a limit and has many flaws ..
if I was not there, it means I am not worthy.
If I smile, it does not mean I'm happy
i love black and white
If I say "yes", does not mean I want it.
when I cry, I wanted to shout out and say that I was sad.
everyone says that I was the lucky person. but they are wrong, because I was a very sad, because I can not have what I want, which is a feeling.
my smile was fake. not beautiful and unattractive
I was evil and a disappointment.
I do not want everyone to know that I have a lot of problems.
I had suffered enough and were eager to silence.
maybe I am the person who is not clever to say thanks.
I just wanted to free do what I like.
I want to be alone and contemplate, not to say I'm crazy!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I dreamed a dream

He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came
And still I dream he'll come to me
That we'll live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather
I had a dream my life would be
So much different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed
The dream I dreamed.
-I dreamed a dream

kau akan mengerti perbedaan tipis antara

menggandeng tangan dan membelenggu jiwa

Dan kau akan mengerti...........

bahwa cinta bukan berarti bersandar

dan teman bukan berarti aman

Dan kau mulai mengerti..........

bahwa kekasih bukanlah kontrak

dan hadiah bukanlah janji

Dan kau mulai menerima kekalahanmu

sambil mengangkat kepala dan membuka mata

dengan kelapangan dada seorang dewasa, bukan kesedihan seorang anak

Dan kau belajar membangun semua jalanmu hari ini

karena tanah hari esok sangat tak pasti, sulit direncanakan

Setelah beberapa lama.......

kau mengerti bahwa sinar mentaripun akan membakarmu kalau berlebihan

Jadi, tanamilah kebunmu dan hiasilah jiwamu

jangan menunggu orang lain membawa bunga untukmu

Dan kau mengerti bahwa kau bisa bertahan

Bahwa kau sebenarnya kuat.....

Dan kau sebenarnya berharga

by Veronica A. Shoffstall


aku tak mau menyesal seumur hidup karena tidak mendengarkan kata hatiku
aku tak mau menderita karena aku membohongi diriku sendiri
aku tak mau menyesal karena menggunakan topeng untuk menutupi lukaku
aku tak mau menderita karena jauh dari hadapanmu padahal kau ada didekatku..
biarkan semua berjalan apa adanya.
biarkan waktu yang menghukum ku
biarkan aku menderita karena waktu,
tanpa aku menyesal sedikitpun karena keputusan bodohku..
tanpa aku harus terus membohongi diriku bahwa aku mengasihimu.
biarkan aku terus mencintaimu hingga saatnya aku harus melupakanmu
biarkan aku menangis sendiri
tanpa siapapun didekatku.
lebih baik aku diasingkan daripada menyerah pada kemunafikan..
kemunafikan hati.


you didn’t love her. you just didn’t want to be alone or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego or, or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life but you didn’t love her because you don’t destroy the person that you love.

andai aku tahu

Aku akan mendengarkan kata hatiku dengan lebih sungguh - sungguh

Aku akan lebih banyak menikmati, lebih sedikit khawatir
Aku akan tahu bahwa sekolah akan segera selesai
dan pekerjaan akan tidak apa - apa
Aku tak akan mengkhawatirkan apa yang dipikirkan oleh orang lain
Aku akan menghargai vitalitas dan kulit yang kencang
Aku akan lebih banyak bermain, lebih sedikit mengeluh
Aku akan tahu bahwa kecantikan atau ketampanan
tercermin dalam kecintaanku pada hidup
Aku akan tahu betapa orang tuaku mencintaiku
dan aku akan percaya bahwa mereka mengasuhku sebaik mungkin
Aku akan menikmati persahabatan
dan tak terlalu mengkhawatirkan apakah hubungan itu akan berlangsung baik
Aku akan tahu bahwa hubungan itu mungkin tidak berlangsung baik
tapi akan ada orang lain yang lebih baik
Aku tak akan takut bertingkah seperti anak kecil
Aku akan lebih berani
Aku akan mencari kualitas baik yang ada dalam diri setiap orang
dan menikmati persahabatan dengan mereka
Aku tak akan bergaul dengan orang - orang hanya karena mereka"POPULER"
Aku akan mengikuti kursus dansa
Aku akan menikmati tubuhku apa adanya
Aku akan mempercayai teman - temanku
Aku akan menjadi sahabat yang baik
Aku tak akan mempercayai pacarku
Aku akan menikmati hidup........sangat menikmatinya
Aku akan lebih menghargai dan bersyukur

by Kimberly Kirberger

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

third night

yesterday was the third night.
and the dream came back.
dream about him.
so sick and stabbed ..
weird .. all the strange happenings .. that makes me not able to vote.
I was forced to follow the game from the God ..
and must get out of this game ..
because, I'm dead ..

the song really represents my feelings :)

Cry as much as I want to
Weep, I know I can't have you
I wipe my tears away, away

Wish, wish for the summer
Want, to pull over under
I wipe my tears away, away

I try to make the best at happiness

Im a broken heart
My love is bleeding

I try to make do with much more of less

All, all of our moments
Have just become ailments
Im haunted all of every day

Ache, aching and teething
My big love is bleeding
I think I might be dying
-i'm a broken heart

heard it on the radio

When you broke my heart, there was nothing you could say
And still I loved you like mad, I loved you like mad
Now that I think back, it wasn't what we had
They were just playing that song, made it last so long
-heard it on the radio-

Monday, July 19, 2010

I wish

if allowed,
I want to swap lives with you ..
you want all the material right?
I've got it all, but one that I want but I do not have ..
the power to forget and leave me ..
you've got but you're not grateful ..
I do not want all the material I have,
as long as I have a happy family that you possess
and your ability to be able to continue to run ahead and forget me in a split finger ..
I wish I could.

surprise from me to him

I am grateful to all that is happening even though it hurts ..

i'm soo love in you, do you know?

"One year ago you said we were created differently for each other, because that God brought us,
but yesterday you said that God created us in different, meaning that God did not plan for us to be together .. "

ice cream aneeeeeh :D

try this one?
rasanya supeeeeer aneh :3

waaaaaaaaa eskrim :D